Tara Aire is nice to look at, but this routine XXX take on the airline industry would have needed Christina Ricci of the mega-flop series PAN AM to get off the ground. But since the It girl of the end of the last century has not completely lost her career to the point of porn- hopping, we'll have to settle for Tara.
Tara wants to take to the air as a stewardess, dropping out of school in the process, since her sister Julie (a bit mature for the role Juliet "Aunt Peg" Anderson) is planning to become a pilot.
What follows is a large number (at least 10) of concise sex scenes, certainly better than the elephantiasis of porn, then and especially now. Captain Jamie Gillis humps Aunt Peg, I mean Julie, with Tara listening through the wall, and then the girl imagines an orgy.
Lots of humping takes place in flight and Gillis asks boss-man Paul Thomas to block Julie's elevation to pilot status. Before you can say "Lean In", Erica Boyer tells Tara about the sabotage regarding her sister's application, so Tara visits the v.p. of personnel (P.T.) and offers him the title choice. Surprise: Paul humps Tara.
When Paul tells Julie she's to become the first woman pilot, she thanks him sexually. The fans are treated to Boyer and Tara mud wrestling in a night club, while Lynx Canon and Billy Dee deliver mixed-combo humping in the audience.
Film's finale is odd: the gals covered in mud have a lesbian sex scene in the dressing room that is soft-core in content but turns hard as a pilot arrives for a blow job, and Julie catches them in the act .
Much ado about nothing, performed by an all-star cast.