Developed and produced by Robert Tapert and Sam Raimi, we follow the titular Young Hercules (Ryan Gosling), in his prequel years prior to the more adult focused series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. From the same universe as Xena: Princess Warriors, but now for a considerably younger audience, the series puts (now) heartthrob Gosling as the lead, as he gets into continuous trouble with his father Zeus, the vengeful Hera, and of course the angry Ares and all this goons. Hercules is joined by his schoolmates Iolaus and Jason, three magnificent dude-bros out on their like totally awesome adventures man. Very lighthearted throughout, the shows really silly, lots of acrobatics and rubber weapons, and foley artists making the most ridiculous bangs and clangs every fight. It feels much like the kids genre of its time, almost as inspired by the likes of Power Rangers than Hercules, but it does what it wanted to I guess. Unless you're a big Gosling fan, or just love campy tv, I wouldn't likely recommend.