I am usually sick of movies like this one, but for some reason, I was a bit entertained by this one. Maybe (as someone already mentioned) because it reminded me of my days back to high school. Who knows? I think that the story is a bit different than in other movies with the similar content. For example, I expected that it would be a classic love-teenage-sweet story (or whatever), and that they would just appear in the competition and win it. But I was completely wrong, and was a bit surprised with what happened at the competition. I agree about the most comments regarding poor dancing, Latino music etc, but I am not a big fan of all these things so that I didn't care much about it. Another thing that I liked, and that differs from the stereotype, is the place - Belfast, and lack of glamour and high-class houses, expensive cars, etc (except very few scenes). In summary, I give 7 to this movie, although it might be too high and not fair comparing to some other really great movies. But again, who cares. Cheers.