This film introduced the now-celebrated trademark "Super Star Rajni" graphic title card, which went on to be used in its original form in all of Rajinikanth's Tamil films till 2002 (with the exception of his films released in 1993).
Since 2005, alterations of this card (such as in 'Chandramukhi' and 'Kabali') or a new unique card and accompanying theme music were used in all of Rajinikanth's films.
This trademark trend of Rajinikanth has inspired almost all major stars from all South Indian film industries to follow with a unique title card reserved for their names in their movies, since the mid-90s.
While the original title card's usage was ceased with the 3D update in 2005's 'Chandramukhi', it makes a comeback in a more compact remake in his 2016 film 'Kabali', albeit possibly with a different theme track.