In 1982, a group led by a man called Swann breaks in a cult in the Mojave Desert to rescue a teenager from the evil leader Nix the Puritan. Thirteen years later, New York private detective Harry D'Amour (Scott Bakula) is assigned to investigate a embezzler that is spending money in Los Angeles and he stumbles upon the fortune teller Quaid (Joseph Latimore) that was tortured and murdered by two men. Soon he is hired by Dorothea Swann (Famke Janssen), the wife of the famous illusionist Philip Swann (Kevin J. O'Connor), to investigate the murder of Quaid. She invites D'Amour to go with her to a show of magic of her husband. When Swann is killed on stage during his act of illusion, D'Amour meets other illusionists in the Magic Castle where he learns that magic does exist in the beginning of his weird journey to the evil world of Nix.
"Lord of Illusions" is an horror film written and directed by Clive Barker and still great in 2020. The noir-style makes the film timeless and with an intriguing beginning. The special effects are ahead of time (for a 1995 movie), with good performance of Scott Bakula and the debut of Famke Janssem in a feature. My vote is seven.
Title (Brazil): "O Mestre das Ilusões" ("The Lord of the Illusions")