It's a shame that this movie will be seen only by a minority. A remarkable and authentic documentation of the humanitarian mission of the British UN peace force during the Bosnian war.
You may think, due to its documentary character, the movie is awfully boring. The opposite is the case: Because of the excellent camera work, you get the impression of being a member of the British armoured infantrymen yourself. And while you are patrolling the area in white tanks in order to show UNPROFOR presence, the only thing you are allowed to do by higher orders of the UN command is to observe, unable to help, shield or evacuate the civilians from the atrocities committed by the soldiers and militia of each ethnical fraction. You start feeling as helpless as the British soldiers must have felt in reality. This movie is therefore very disillusioning and depressing.
In my opinion, this is a very powerful movie with the typical BBC documentation style, no Hollywood clichés. It should be seen by many, many more people, especially when you consider that this historic example of ethnic cleansing took place right on our doorstep only a decade ago and nevertheless today is almost forgotten. An impressive account of the tragic role of the UN during a bloody civil war.
Highly recommended! 10/10