"Tracey takes on" is a sketch comedy show on HBO, and each episode finds Tracey Ullman in a well-done disguise (ala Eddie Murphy in Coming To America), making fun of some minority group or whatever. It's a shame, however, that Tracey's talents lie not the least bit with comedy, for the show totally sucks, and sucks hard. Each "character" she portrays is a racist sterotype (the Black "homegirl" airport clerk, the Korean grocery store owner, the Jewish "yenta", the Arab taxi driver, etc...), and they aren't even clever parodies- she just kills the viewer slowly and painfully by acting how she thinks these people must act- black people speaking hardcore jive and the like. The skits themselves aren't the least bit funny, unless you maybe beat yourself senseless over the head with a dead skunk for about an hour or two, and THEN only maybe. What I want to know is who the hell's been signing the checks for this show? Do they really look at this mess and say, "Damn, that's quality entertainment! Next let's make a Cool As Ice series! Call Vanilla Ice, quick!" Anyway, in case you couldn't tell by my rant, Tracey Takes On is horrible and must be cancelled instantly, with all copies of previous episodes destroyed by a great big bonfire that I personally will dance around. Humanity will only prosper.