I saw this film not long after it's release in Germany. It was presented in German although I believe the original version is in English. Until now, this rather clever film has eluded all film outlets and video retailers I have cared to visit.
This film really attempts to shock and gets away with it. The often hectic and ambiguous dialogue left me part-confused and part-stunned by the accuracy of the characters and their ability to cut-down other characters with mere conversation. How the script writer got his ideas remains to be seen, but here lies a person who knows his psycho-babble.
I really cannot remember too many plot details, I think I sat there powerless to control my reactions and was lead thorugh the barrage of different situations to the end of the film, which only a few deep breaths and a strong cup of coffee could help.
Search this film, and see it : - regardless of your taste (action, comedy, thriller, drama) this film contains all, albeit in forms that are hard-hitting and sometimes very difficult to interpret, and the humour is strong irony, on the nature of humans and their interactions. A scary encounter...