'Renegade' belongs to the classic series, a original story that is well carried out by fine actors who really are fit to do so, Reno Raines/ aka Vince Black is a great character, always looking for justice with his own unique style...
This series really represents something, it's a pity it's so hard to come by these days, it's certainly under-valued, it's actually a great series, but the most people doesn't realize that.
Over here in The Netherlands 'Renegade' was on TV for only a short while, but it has appealed many people here...
There is only one thing i don't like about this series, Reno's deep voice is getting one-sided after some time if you mix it with that overdone good and bad talk of him (example):'Yeah, but we must get the bastard, i can't allow that he gets away with this, we must stop him' (really deep voice)
But that's the only thing i can think of, besides that, it's a real cool series, the way he escapes again and again and the way he figures things out and takes matters into his own hands, is great too watch.
Renegade has good stories, but all of them fit into the overall story. the action is well worth watching, if there was a 'Renegade' Box that i could buy here i would buy it instantly.
I give it a 8 out of 10 star rating for it and that is entirely justified, no matter what others say...