I loved every minute of this superb animated series, and I am not afraid to say that out of all the animated shows based on the character, this series is without doubt the best of the lot. The animation was fantastic, no better way to describe it really, very dark and fluid instead of the Saturday- morning-cartoon standard that has marred animation recently. The theme tune by Danny Elfman was haunting and memorable, the same Danny Elfman who composed the music for Edward Scissorhands, which coincidentally is one of my all-time favourite movie scores. Also the plot lines and teleplays are very interesting, and I loved the characters, especially Batman, who was dark, brooding and complex like he is supposed to be. And what about the villains? Harvey Two Face, Mr Freeze, the scarecrow, Penguin, and my favourite the joker, who Mark Hamill voiced superlatively, making him sinister and fun at the same time. Though I was wondering, if the producers hadn't replaced their 1st choice for the character Tim Curry, he would've done just as well. I happily award Batman: The Animated Series a 10/10. Bethany Cox