Okay people, give this movie a break! This (TV movie, need I remind you) was filmed in 1987. It's not going to hold up to today's standards for movies, not even television movies! Most of the people writing these comments probably weren't even alive in '87. I was; I was in high school and the movie left an indelible impression on me. I was left not only more informed and slightly frightened about the possibilities of getting pregnant before I was psychologically and financially prepared for it, but also, and just as important, with a crush on Dermot Mulroney that has lasted to this day. Stop trying to make this movie compare to the latest Soderberg. It ain't, it won't and it's never gonna. It represents a particular time in our society. Yes, perhaps if teachers want to truly get across to students in this day an age, they'll show a movie starring Lil Bow Wow, but until he plays a high school daddy who has to quit school to care for his child, 1987's Daddy will have to suffice.