the mistake some people make with this movie is to take it seriously. i don't know if it was meant to be, but it's quite impossible to do so. it's more the statement of a director and scriptwriter totaly gone ape and providing the viewer with plenty of hilarious scenes, especially when you've read the books:
some of the most cheesy and silly music ever used in a movie and also much too often, making it seem like some odd musical, that aside they even didn't take some of tolkiens original songs from the book, but made up some lew lyrics with hilarious outcome(the bearer of the ring...)
gollum looking like a frog with ears
elrond with a goatee
bilbo looking like granny from little red riding hood
orcs looking like...ehh how describe them, maybe something like frogs with fangs and horned helmets? however they like to sing "funny" marching songs("where's a whip there's a way")
pippin having an annoyingly thick american accent, making him sound like some baseball commentator
the nazgul on horses with wings and looking like sceletor with a wig
olifants looking like mammoths
denethor beyond description
sting does not only look like a lasersword it also SOUNDS a little alike
samwise the faithful praying "to the lord above" and often utters things like "heaven" and "god help us". got to be the first christian in middle-earth
add to this a plot that makes no sense with huge gaps and in return lot of nonsense and unnecessary parts added
however the scene that really cracked me up was this dream sequence where he and sam are lying in the grass in the shire and some orcs pass them by peacefully and wave them with some melancholic expression. see it, if you want to have a good laugh!