I bought this for myself several weeks ago among other DVDs. I watched all the others immediately. But I waited until I was in the right frame of mind. Oh, what I missed all those days!
There are those who will say this version is dry. But I say this version is full of truth and peace.
The mood which pervades this wonderful film is so close to the Gospel as I have read it, and it is told with such a lovely pace of calm and reflection that it calls one into the telling with gentleness and not commercial flash and color. That is, if one is ready.
We are all so "spoiled" by melodramatic presentations that we forget that the story of the life of Jesus was dramatic on its own merits without need for Hollywood's elaborations or expansions.
"Jesus" is a movie I recommend to everyone, yes, even those who have no faith or interest in the Christ, if not more so.
Many blessings to this film, its creators and participants and the message it imparts with such grace, truth and peace.