Narrator: [introductory narrative] This, as you may or may not know, is London - headquarters of devaluation, socialism, and the permissive society. The people who live here are quite ordinary, clean-living, unostentatious human beings. And this is where the would-be non-conformists shop. This, on the other hand, is where the more knowledgeable shop, live, the more knowledgeable dine. To the uninitiated id, relaxation has a multitude of meanings. And even more of these for the older and more respectable members of our permissive society. Mr John Carter, the central character of the epic you're about to see could, under the circumstances, be described as a misfit. Having reached his prime in the days of rock 'n' roll, now nearing the ripe old age of 30, he's kind of old for Carnaby Street and not quite hard up enough for this. A small chapter in his quiet, mundane life starts here on a warm evening, for December, and in the early hours of Tuesday morning.