Perhaps this was considering daring by 1969, but it is very tame. The nudity, at least in the version I streamed, were a few breast shots and some covered bottoms. As a young girl, Nicki was at a fair riding the merry-go-round across from her father. She got frightened, and when her father reached over to comfort her, he fell and was killed by the hooves of the carousal horses. She was meant to believe she killed him, at least in her own mind. As she was approaching college age, her mother was hooking up with Harry, a total con man and a real sleazy character. One day, he assaults her, she fights back and stabs him. For that, she is sent to a remand home, not really a prison and not a detention center. A place for the courts to then decide what to do with her. It then becomes a very tame women-in-prison type of movie. And of course a pillow fight when they are all in their nighties. Feathers all over the place. Rated R, today this would probably get a PG-13 rating easily.