This "movie" is a combination of two hour-long episodes of "The Outsider" TV series. Darren McGavin plays private detective David Ross. Typically when a studio did this 2-hour thing back in the day, the first half of the "movie" was one show, then there would be an awkward seque into the second episode. But Holy Moly here they actually edited so that scenes from both episodes are intermingled. This means you have twice as many characters running around and some crazy lines dubbed to try and make you think they're all related. The result for you dear viewer is a royal mess. There are way too many characters to keep track of and the scenes jump jarringly from one context to another.
I guess this is why the typical TV show only has about four suspects, any more and it too much to digest in an hour long show. If you can follow all the characters here you're a better man than I am.
All that said, "The Outsider" was an above average detective show and well worth watching if you can find it. I don't think this mess does it justice.
Do notice the closing theme music by Pete Rugolo, it's one of my favorite TV show themes.