The novel by Luis Coloma "Triffles" -Pequeñeces"- was chosen as the third vehicle for the duo Aurora Bautista-Juan de Orduña. It is not only too long but the best you can say about it is that the settings by Sigfrid Burman and the costumes are excellent. It has no passion at all and Ms Bautista does what she can but it is too much for her. A giant and distinguished cast cant save the day. To begin with, the antiques of Coloma are part today of sociology but not of literature. On the other hand, it is quite understandable for the producers -CIFESA- to have picked up a moral fable coherent with Franco's regime to avoid censorship. Unfortunately it is too long to bear and the punishment of Curra quite whimsical. All in all, it is a movie to study what sort of products were successful under Franco. Juan de Orduña is too busy with the settings to direct the actors and Ms. Bautista got fed up with these old-fashioned melos. She called it quits. Pity such an actress was linked to Franco's regime because her talent allowed her to keep on working until the 21st century -cfr. "Tiovivo"- proving she was and is one of the most interesting personalities of Spanish screen. abel posadas