The act breaks up, with the boys who make up the band going to work at an airplane plant, and singer/dancer Ann Miller to a night club. The group's leader, Johnny Johnston, becomes a welder's assistant, and is assigned to Betty Jane Rhodes. Of course they clash. But Rhodes isn't giving up his dreams of making it big in show business, so the boys start playing at shift's end. Morale and production soar.
Paramount made a lot of flag-waving musicals in this period, and here we are again. The songs are by Frank Loesser and Jules Styne, and ok, if not great. Miss Miller gets a couple of flashy numbers, and of course there's a big finale. The cast listings are interesting; Miss Miller is top-billed, even though that's not the central love affair. For those who enjoy them, there's Jerry Colonna, Barbara Jo Allen playing her Vera Vague character, Harry Barris, Eddie Quillan, and if you look fast you may be able to spot Rod Cameron.