This is a film, based on the real life story of Paul Connolly, that powerfully depicts how adults in authority abused young children throughout their childhood in a local children's home.
The production team did an amazing job in taking us back to the late 1970's and highlighting the horrors that Paul, his best friend Liam and the other kids in their dorm went through.
The cast and crew have delivered a chilling version of Paul's story and its unbelievable how this abuse continues behind closed doors in 2022.
I had the honour of going to the film premier in Chelmsford, Essex where Paul and the executive producer Richard Hart held a meet and greet Q & A afterwards.
We were given an insight into the demons that Paul carries with every single day. He explains that love from his wife and children have helped him deal with them on a daily basis but that they never disappear.
The message is made loud and clear and good luck to the children charities trying to help 100's of kids going through the same abuse on a daily basis.