I am 52 and I was tired of the same old garbage on TV. My nephew liked anime so I thought I would give it a try a year or so ago and, wow, was I amazed! I watch anime now most of the time, lol. Hundreds if not 1,000+ hours in the last year. Back to my review.....
The graphics in this are extremely well done! Probably some of the best I have seen to be honest. The eyes are bigger when a character wears glasses, reflections off car windows, the record player how the record spins around, all just spectacular! Graphics wise I would give this an 11. The action in this, fight scenes, I give and 8 to 8.5. The story line is okay but not great so I give it about a 7. Overall I gave it a 9 just how impressed I was about the graphics. It is a good show. I believe it is rated a bit low here.