In Cherokee City, Georgia, young Frank Peterson is found brutally murdered. Police detective Ralph Anderson (Ben Mendelsohn) leads the investigation. All evidences point to amiable kids' baseball coach Terry Maitland (Jason Bateman). His wife Glory (Julianne Nicholson) is shocked when he gets arrested on the field. He maintains his innocence and has an indisputable alibi. This case has overwhelming evidences on both sides. With such conflicting clues, Anderson resorts to peculiar private investigator Holly Gibney.
This is like True Detective with a splash of supernatural from by Stephen King. It's got great actors like Ben Mendelsohn doing good character work. It has good atmospherics and great crime drama feels. It's a limited series. I do get frustrated with Ralph as he keeps his denial for too long. The start is addictive. It has its fun surprising weirdness.