Zoo-head is a very entertaining sci-fi story about a junkie stuck in a loop. The direction was great and one could feel the diverse influences Navin Dev had (fight club, etc...).
The actors were really passionate about their role, the lead actor even lost 20kgs to look like a real junkie! Remember his name, he'll definitely make it big!
The story wasn't never seen before and yet, you do want to know how it ends. I saw it at the Sci-fi London Film Festival and everyone at one point hold their breath to know what would happen next.
Zoo-head is a very fresh approach to « loop movies » à la Groundhog day or Run Lola run! With a dash of Trainspotting and a splash of Fight club, Zoo-head is for sure a movie that will stay in my mind for a while!
I also must mention the incredible soundtrack that put me back directly to classic John Carpenter tensions (especially « Prince of darkness » and « the thing »). Huge gratz to that!!!
I give it 10/10 also to balance the unfair (and dumb) 1/10 from those who simply didn't get it.