Written apparently according to Netflix's dictation, together with the depicted Spanish villagers, we learn our lesson of the day, that illegal immigrants and gays are saints and useful to western society for breeding reasons. While it is rightfully stated that baddies are baddies independently of colour (or gender I would like to add), it then ammends that they are worst if they are white. An otherwise harmless romantic comedie, became just a vessel of leftist political preach. The characters and protagonists were doing fine in a charming Spanish village background, however it could have been so much more. But no, our lesson is just that we have to absorb the illlegal immigrants by white marriages. So monodimensional it hurts even the immigrants who legal or not migrate with something more in their mind than just reproduction. They could have made something better, but no. Let's leave the complicated to a better writer. Terrible camera use at times with sunlight thrown to our faces hiding what we are meant to watch. If you can shallow all the above you might enjoy a bit. But it felt longer than it is. Which gave me a well deserved sleep. After all, a lesson stays in our mind if we learn it just before sleeep.