I don't want to spoil the film by telling everyone what it's about, but I can't see how to explain this one without it. I'll try my best, though. The ending was a surprise. I have to admit that it took me a minute or two to grasp what I just watched. I think the crew did a good job of hiding this, which was obviously their intent. Once I understood the meaning and purpose of the plot, I realized how powerful its message. It's quite sad and tragic. However, I think it needs to be said. I'm really glad they made this, and that I watched it. Even gladder that Lasse stars in it. He's so perfect for these sorts of roles. I always get attached to the characters he plays. This one is difficult to let go of. I just wanted to hold him so bad. But, it's just a silly movie. A very heartbreaking, sentimental movie. I think you should watch it.