"Nobody" is an incredibly unusual film for Bob Odenkirk. I assumed at first it was a comedy. After all, that's his background as he began as a writer for "Conan O'Brien" and "Saturday Night Live". However, the film is incredibly violent and makes "Rambo: First Blood II" look like a Disney flick!! So, if you hate violent and bloody films, try something else as it is NOT a comedy.
When the story begins, a couple crooks break into Hutch's house and rob them. At one point, Hutch's teenage son subdues one of the robbers but Hutch seems to freeze and tells the son to let them go. Now at this point, you assume the film will be about Hutch regaining his sense of manhood by deliberately putting himself into dangerous situations in order to prove he's not a coward. This is NOT what happens. Yes, he soon is involved in a dangerous situation on a bus...but where it goes next and what Hutch does is difficult to believe....as what Hutch's father (Christopher Lloyd) does. You just have to see it to believe it. I could say more but don't want to spoil the surprises...and there are quite a few.
I am not a violent film fan but really felt myself being pulled into this movie. It's pretty amazing...as is the fact (at least according to IMDB) that Odenkirk did most of his own stunts!!! You just have to see it to believe it.