Right, well from the movie's title, then I thought I would be in for something funny, and perhaps even something unique. And I saw the movie was listed as a comedy, so I had some hopes for "Interviewing Monsters and Bigfoot".
Turns out that this was a big steaming pile of... Well, you get my meaning here. Let's just sober up and be civil. This movie was bad in many, many ways. So bad, in fact, that I only managed to suffer through 35 minutes of the 2019 ordeal that is known as "Interviewing Monsters and Bigfoot".
I had problems getting into the storyline, and it didn't really help me much as there was literally nothing worthwhile to witness. Nor did it help that the characters in the movie were flaccid, bland and every bit as pointless as the storyline.
Whatever it was that writer and director Thomas Smugala was trying to accomplish with this movie, it was a massive swing and a miss in terms of entertaining me. And I can in all honesty say that I have no intention of ever returning to watch the rest of the movie, because it just failed to appeal to me on any level.
My rating of the movie lands on a two out of ten stars, mostly given the effort and production level put into the project.