On Halloween (2020) is an Australian horror movie that I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a news reporter who believes in the legends of the local woods where bad things have happened in the area every Halloween season. When a string of murders start again as usual she looks to find whom or what is responsible. The police believe they've found the person responsible, but when the killing continues they're left with no choice but to listen to the reporter.
This movie is written and directed by Timothy Boyle (The Plex) and stars Terry Serio (Running on Empty), Mike Flokis (Underbelly), Patch May (Shadow Wars), James Pratt (Malibu Crush), Ava Caryofyllis (Thor: Love & Thunder) and Robert Harrell (Reckoning).
The writing acting is fairly average and isn't too bad. The storyline is fairly straightforward and not overly clever. The face paint and masks were solid and created the appropriate menacing looks. The kills and violence were sudden and well executed but not gory. The twist(s) at the end wasn't as smart as Boyle hoped.
Overall, this movie is a below average addition to the horror genre that I wouldn't go too out of my way to see. I would score this a 3.5-4/10 and recommend skipping it.