"The Tales of Wu Kong," or simply "Wu Kong," proved to be a delightful watch, but it's essential to have an interest in Chinese mythology to fully appreciate it. I stumbled upon this 2017 gem, written by Hai Huang, Hezai Jin, Chi-Kin Kwok, Fan Wenwen, and Henri Wong, in 2020, and was genuinely impressed.
The plot loosely revolves around the Monkey King myth and is exceptionally well-crafted, providing entertainment from start to finish. With a cast featuring talents like Eddie Peng and Shawn Yue, it's a treat for the audience.
The film boasts stunning visual effects and CGI, bringing the narrative to life with dazzling realism. It offers a blend of drama, character development, romance, and martial arts, catering to a wide audience.
My rating for "Wu Kong" stands at seven out of ten stars. I was thoroughly entertained and recommend watching this 2017 film if you get the chance.