The latest Steven Spielberg film "The Post" is a nice showcase of the real life 1970's battle between government and journalist which would go to the highest court in the land(The U.S. Supreme Court). The film shows how information is uncovered and leaked about the highly criticized "Vietnam War".
All of us want freedom of speech and freedom of press, and us as people expect the news media to give it to us and when documents are uncovered by people in the press which exposes cover up and lies from many previous presidents, you feel relieved and mad also. And with this picture it shows the process of how to investigate and publish hard hitting truth even if it means to challenge the powers that be.
That's what "The Washington Post" did as the owner a powerful woman in Kay Graham(a wonderful Meryl Streep)put it all on the line with the help of a powerful and well know editor in Ben Bradlee(the good Tom Hanks). As anything worth exposing and challenging is worth a fight for as it makes the powerful upset and angry.
Overall this picture is a must watch for political history buffs also as it shows how the ever on going war between media and government began and how it became a political dogfight for each and all involved. Proving that accountability is needed for all.