Years after a notorious serial killer of teenage girls stops, loving son (Charlie Plummer) finds evidence to suggest his father (Dylan McDermott) may have been responsible. Slowly, with the help of new girlfriend (Madisen Beaty) whose mother was killed by the the eponymous villain, the evidence begins to mount up.
Slow-burn thriller that nicely highlights the macabre contradictions between a perfect loving family in gun toting, American bible belt country with a psychopath killer within. McDermott is terrific as the killer who still feels the right to hold his head high because of his god fearing / family loving ways, despite tying up and strangling young girls. This belief by father and ultimately his son leads nicely to a slightly off kilter, but nonetheless persuasive and enjoyable climax which has tended to be criticised by critics as being too action oriented, but which I thought fitted quite nicely.