There are some really good docs-dramas out there. The People vs OJ (2016) is one, and Manhunt: Unibomber (2017) is another. The British also make these types of programs, Appropriate Adult (2011) comes to mind. I've seen other movies that cast doubt on the ultimate trial outcomes, and it is these that this production resembles. A recent example of this type of filmmaking would be the brilliant Escape At Dannemora (2018), which questioned the sentence of one of the two escapees, and his further punishment after capture. In style Law & Order True Crime resembles The People vs OJ, yet the bias is definitely on the side of the defendants, enough so that after writing this review I'll look up what happened to the case in recent years. Law & Order shows were always highly charged and topical, and executed with high standards. This is a brilliant addition to their legacy, with full marks to the writers. It's full of suspense and worthy performances, great casting and good camera direction. At eight episodes it was possibly a tad too long, although one could argue the defence was such a burning issue it could perhaps have been longer. I'm full of questions. Great television from America.