Sun Dogs is a quirky Indie film that whilst is above average in terms of acting, direction and production standards, it just isn't very interesting. The story focuses on Ned who since the events of 9/11 has become obsessed with wanting to help In the war on terror. He wants to and tries to join the marines. Ned is mentally challenged which causes him unusual and immature behavior. He is delusional. I suppose this is the heart and soul of the movie. Watching it unfold I hovered between pity for him vs. his immaturity creating amusement. This makes for an awkward watch where to get the most out of the drama you need to admire his drive and persistence despite his disadvantage. I found the whole thing to be preposterous.
Worst of all I don't think I could drop in a spoiler on this one as there's nothing to spoil. The story is weak and the movie ends fairly abruptly without a satisfying ending. I was drawn into viewing it by the five positive imdb reviews at the time. Unfortunately I see retrospectively that 2 of those reviewers have only ever written 1 review each which I find suspicious.
My rating 4/10
Not recommended. Time is precious and there's far better movies to watch out there.