This is a horrible excuse for a movie and I use the term movie very loosely here.
The plot/script has the depth of something written by the average grade schooler. The movie is only about 70 minutes long plus credits and even that is a huge stretch for this basic plot, there are no twists and turns at all.
The only reason to watch this poor excuse for a B movie (and really it is more like an F or a G movie at best) is that Kevin Sorbo and Peter Fonda are in it. How they got these guys to be in this movie is beyond me. They must have thrown a ton of money at them (which I believe since obviously no money went into the actual producing of this low/micro/zero budget mess). They must have fired their agents after this since they obviously did not read this terrible script before signing on to do it. How can this embarrassing non movie be anything but horrible for their careers? Peter Fonda won an Oscar and now he is somehow doing crap like this?
It probably also helped that their parts in this movie probably only took about a half hour to film. Which is another problem in this movie, the two "stars" on the poster are almost never actually in it. I hate movie posters that lie like that, such a rip off. Instead we get no name actors to go alone with the no name, zero talent production team, who should all be ashamed of their lack of talent and their lies in presenting this as a movie starring Kevin Sorbo and Peter Fonda.
The acting is terrible by the way. Just not as bad as the script and direction. Or lack of script and terrible direction I should say.
A terrible effort all around though I don't think any real effort went into this.
The costumes and set are even pathetic. Couldn't they at least have put a little effort into this thing?
A blemish on Peter Fonda's acting resume, nothing more, but luckily this non movie is already forgotten so hopefully nobody else ever makes the mistake of trying to watch this travesty.