THe copy I am watching is titles Navy Seals: Battle for New Orleans. It takes place in Baton ROuge...What? Did no one think to look that up?
The editing and continuity people should never be hired for anything over a pre-school production. From the muzzle fire to explosions to bullet hits, they are all completely sad. They show a car window being smashed out and later, that same window was in tact.
The cast...Fat Seals? Really? Couldn't you get people who looked the part? They didn't even shoot realistically. Since when can you let off 3 round bursts without the gun moving at all? My God, even Ed Quinn seemed lost in this dung-heap of a movie. After all, there is only so much you can do with a badly written and directed script.
Unless you want to punish yourself or have really bad vision and hearing, I can't recommend this movie to anyone...ever.