As soon as you watch the first few minutes of this show, you know you are watching something different. At first, I thought this was a modern day Walter Mitty, but it is more than that. The action does not take place in the head of the main character, Josh. The absurd happenings actually take place--in reality.
It does not take long to fall into the imaginative world of "Man Seeking Woman". Now, after four episodes, I am happily ensconced in Josh's (Jay Baruchel) wacky world.
Initially, the action revolves around Josh's attempts to find success on the social scene after breaking up with his girlfriend. He is totally inept, but he keeps trying. His best friend Mike (Eric Andre) is little help because he is a playa and a user (of women).
The story lines feel like an extended SNL skit--a good skit. I recommend the show, but be warned that it is edgy and definitely not PC.
Update 2/13/15: After the "cupid" episode guest starring Minka Kelly, I am upgrading my vote to an 8. The humor is consistent and, well, badass.
Update 3/14/16: I am increasing my grade to 9, because this show is consistently funny episode to episode like only the best comedy shows of all time. A wonderful blend of creativity and imagination.