This Polish murder mystery series, set on the scenic Hel Peninsula, is made up of two three-part seasons; each covers a separate case. In the first a woman, Agnieszka, discovers a body while swimming. It turns out the detective leading the investigation went to school with her. Soon there is a second murder and later skeletal remains are found. In the second case a man is fatally shot moments after winning a charity horse race along the beach, the runner-up was Agnieszka's husband and once again the same police officers are involved in the investigation. In both cases there are plenty of suspects, with varied motives.
Having never seen the Swedish series on which this is based I can't say how they compare; however I can say I enjoyed this; both for the interesting mysteries and setting. The various suspects kept me guessing till the final episode in each case. There are a few good moments of tension but this isn't an action series so don't expect shoot-outs or long chases. The cast does a solid job bringing the characters to life. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of murder mysteries looking for a new setting.
These comments are based on watching the series in Polish with English subtitles.