I came into it expecting a bit of an off the wall bit of cartoon goodness. What I got was a hugely playful and utterly charming flight of fancy with some very colourful and emotive characters I got really attached to.
It's a very dreamlike, wholesome story with some disarmingly moving and emotional moments, and I was definitely sniffling at some points, while laughing out loud or thoroughly endeared by others.
I really just wish there was more, as I really fell in love with the characters, writing, and artwork.
There is a colossal amount of heart and charm on show, and I would love to see the series continued so we can find out where these characters go.
Overall, a truly enamouring piece of animation with playful innocence in its presentation, but an emotive depth that draws you in to the characters and world in a very touching way. Absolute brilliance, and something I hope will become a timeless classic.