Justin Hires: Funny, great performer. Jon Foo: Literally cannot do any martial arts. IMDb claims he is an "accomplished martial artist." He is NOT. He struggles to even throw a kick and not once did I actually see him actually complete a kick. He's very sluggish. He can't jump, can't punch and barely is able to act (directors' fault in my opinion--he just needs direction). They used a stunt double and not a very convincing one at that. He does have a passing resemblance to a very young Jackie Chan (who made maybe a 10 second cameo in the pilot) Now I mentioned Justin Hires is a great performer. Problem is he was given the exact same dialogue from the movie. He had nothing original to work with, sadly. Yet he still managed to make us laugh.
So I suggest that they dump Jon Foo, stop copying the movies scene for scene and do a proper reboot of the TV show. Actually, the Directors (both of them) should be fired as I believe Joh Foo has potential. They are the one responsible for making the decisions that will kill this show. There is zero doubt that this show is already dead. But if they reinvent it and start from scratch they may be able to accomplish something.