Based on the life of notorious serial killer Charles Sobhraj, 'Main Aur Charles' is a richly acted biopic, about a notorious man. Even as a film, its decent, but not as sharp as one expects it to be.
'Main Aur Charles' is Inspired by true events and told from the perspective of respected Indian cop, Amod Kanth who handled the notorious case of serial killer, Charles Sobhraj.
'Main Aur Charles' aces as far the performances are concerned. Randeep Hooda is appropriately creepy as the serial killer, flaunting a french accent & alluring women with sheer effectiveness. Adil Hussain nails every bit of Amod Kanth, portraying the honest cop to the fullest. Richa Chadda is absolutely stunning as Mira, Charles's girlfriend, who, without any remorse, defends the criminal. Its an eerie performance, performed majestically.
On the flip-side, 'Main Aur Charles' is unevenly Written. Prawaal Raman's Screenplay begins on an excellent note & the series of events that follow, manage to arrest your attention aptly. Its the second-hour, that begins to fall. The pace drops & the drama in this hour, lacks the punch. Even the culmination, doesn't leave a big impact. Raman's Writing is great partly & ordinary otherwise. Raman's Direction, on the other-hand, oozes style. The Cinematography & The Editing, deserve a special mention.
On the whole, 'Main Aur Charles' stuns in parts, sadly, not entirely.