Stage: "Jeremiah" on Broadway. Music by Chemjo Vinaver. Written by Stefan Zweig. Translated by Eden Paul and Cedar Paul. Acting version by John Gassner and C. Worthington Miner (also director). Choreographed by Felicia Sorel. Guild Theatre: 3 Feb 1939-Mar 1939 (closing date unknown/35 performances). Cast: Joan Adrian (as "Ruth"), Katharine Bard (as "Solom's Daughter"), St. Clair Bayfield (as "Nahum"), Roberta Bellininger (as "Solom's Wife"), Henry Bennett (as "Imre"),
Arthur Byron (as "Zedekiah"),
Hannam Clark (as "Zebulon"),
Vincent J. Donehue (as "Jochebed's Young Son/Second Assyrian Soldier") [Broadway debut], Mary Fischer (as "Zephania's Wife"), Charles Furcolowe (as "Zephania"), Virginia Gregori (as "Merchant's Wife"), Kathryn Grill (as "Jochebed"), Nell Harrison (as "Micha's Mother"), Robert Harrison (as "Abimelech"), John Hendrick (as "The Elder"), Harold Hoha (as "Second Guard"), Harry Irvine (as "Hananiah"), Morgan James (as "Joab"), Charles Jordan (as "Gad"), George Lee (as "Elder's Niece's Husband"), Henry Levin (as "A Huckster"), Philip Lewis (as "Herald"), Robert Malcolm Jochebed's Husband"),
Byron McGrath (as "Second Sentry"), John McKee (as "Micha"), Benedict McQuarrie (as Pashur"),
Cameron Mitchell (as "Merchant's Nephew"), Tom Morrison (as "Aaron"), Katherine Murphy (as "Rebecca"), Gordon Nelson (as "Solom"), John O'Connor (as "First Sentry"), Theodore Paul (as "Solom's Son-in-Law/First Assyrian Solider"), Mary Perry (as "Zilpah"), George Petrie (as "Shephan"), David Rosen (as "A Merchant/Third Assyrian Officer"), Ernest Rowan (as "Issacher"), Elizabeth Royce (as "Leah"), Marian Rudley (as "Gad's Wife"),
Byron Russell (as "Ahab/Second Assyrian Officer"), Alfred Ryder (as "Baruch"), Arthur Sachs (as "First Guard"), Mark Schweid (as "Uriah"),
Effie Shannon (as "Mother"),
Kent Smith (as "Jeremiah"), Alexei Tcherkassky (as "Third Guard"), Robert Thomsen (as "Laban"), Paul Tripp (as "Jochebed's Older Son"), Arthur Villars (as "Ahab's Father"),
Cornel Wilde (as "Nehemiah"), Mervin Williams (as "Assyrian Captain"), Kay Wilt (as "Uriah's Wife"), Betty Young (as "Elder's Niece"). Produced by The Theatre Guild.