It was with much sadness that I heard the news from Diane of the passing of
David Maloney. My thoughts and sympathy go out to his family. I realise that I owe David rather a lot all those years ago, for it was he that had the final say in the casting of myself as Vila in
Blake's 7 (1978), which has continued to be a part of my life even today. I know that it was David who fought to have my character continue after the first season when, if my understanding is correct, certain members of the upper echelons at the BBC wanted the character to be given the heave-ho from the Liberator. I also remember that when I was having certain personal problems during his tenure as producer on the show that he was very concerned and exceedingly supportive. I am proud to have worked with him when he was the producer and director of
Blake's 7 (1978), and to have known him as a friend.