This show is so funny that I have, lit'rally, lost my breath from laughing so hard. This show is a farce of the highest level. It should not be taken seriously by anyone at any time. The great thing about it is that the only ones that do take it seriously are the characters in the show that don't know they're in a farce. They think they're in an episode of Law & Order:Criminal Minds New York...Blue. And any topic is fair game. From the autopsy procedure with M.E. Dr. Scholls to the extreme stereotypes in every cop partner relationship with Tribeca and her partner, Jay Geils, to the secondary cop whose partner is a German Shepherd that barks like a dog but is understood like a regular human. Add to that every double entendre in the book and insanely bizarre and outrageous undercover scenes. Oh, and since this is a commercial free binge-a-thon, the blatant product placement is a riot in and unto itself. I love it, and this is just 5 episodes in!!