Bhoot Bakra is a horror comedy TV movie that aired on ARY Digital on Eid. It's a lighthearted story of a ghost who is locked away in his mansion until his son (Syed Jibran) moves back in with his wife (Neelam Muneer) and the rest of his family. Given the opportunity to possess the first person he encounters, the ghost jumps into the body of a goat that was bought for the purpose of sacrificing for Eid!
At times the movie does feel rushed as it tries to pack in as many jokes and comedic situations within its breezy 76 minute running time - with that being said, the movie still manages to find time for every character to at least have a funny encounter with the possessed goat as one by one each of them eventually find some characteristics in the goat that reminds them of their family patriarch. Overall this is a decent family entertainer albeit not a very memorable one.