This movie is laughably bad.
It seems like it was written by the school age child of a big Hollywood producer or something.
Because I'm not sure how anyone could read a script like this and think it was a good idea to make.
It's literally that awful.
Whoever it was has been watching way too many marvel movies "for inspiration".
Neither the writer, director, or any of the actors in this film should ever work again.
Everyone involved should be immediately blacklisted, going forth.
The actors are all very recognizable faces...but they put on some of the most half-assed performances I've ever seen.
I genuinely can't tell if they suck that bad, or weren't even trying.
But it's real bad.
I can never look at them with any modicum of respect ever again.
The whole thing is so poorly's not inherently clear what the hell is actually going on.
There's definitely a serial killer on the loose...amidst widescale riots aimed at a corrupt police force...and a polyglot paramedic, that still lives with her father, and has a fluent understanding of latin.
But what the point of it all is?
Who the hell cares.
If I wasn't trying to watch every horror film made in 2023, I honestly would have shut this off after the first 3 minutes.
It, quite literally, has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Actually...that's not entirely fair.
Because I genuinely couldn't stop laughing at how bad it is.
It's confounding to think that there's actually some idiot out there that greenlit this.
I'm not sure who that was...but whoever it is should be publicly flogged for their transgressions.
The writer, however, should be jailed indefinitely.
Because, you'd think it would take skill to suck this hard.
But they brought the suck here effortlessly.
1 out of 10.