Kevin Booth is a documentarian of the first order. He wrote, produced and directed this computerized tomography-like examination of the struggle facing those who need the beneficial effects of cannabis. As marijuana now becomes available for medical purposes and the United States are each beginning to follow suit in legalizing the drug this story has particular impact. Booth has dared to explore the advanced research on the beneficial medicinal effects of Cannabis while becoming a foster parent to a 2-year-old boy who after surviving brain surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, lay in a coma not eating for over 40 days. His parents are told to make funeral arrangements. However, his father had read about a version of an ancient drug made from cannabis. Unbeknownst to the hospital staff, the parents start secretly injecting the illegal drug into their dying son's feeding tube and soon a "miracle" takes place. When the doctors are told that cannabis was the cause of the "miracle," they have nothing to say. As Booth states, 'every war has unintended victims and it's the children who are losing America's longest running war. From cartel recruiting grounds of Mexico - to a child being removed from his birth mother for smoking marijuana. The argument is whether withholding the drug is a conspiracy or a simple profit motive that continues to keep marijuana inside the black market. Perhaps it is because of this 2013 film that we are seeing changes happen. If so, Booth has done a great service to the saving of lives of those who may possible benefit solely from the use of cannabis. This is a powerful film, well made, and mind altering.