Trying to work through a comeback, a pill-popping former wrestler decides to join a group of friends on a weekend camping trip to relax and unwind, but when they arrive at the camping spot they find the area is home to a sadistic killer living in the area try to get out of the woods alive.
For the most part, this was a fun and highly enjoyable effort. One of it's better features is the fact that there's a fast and fun pace on display from the very beginning that keeps this moving along quite well. The opening introduction of the attack on the family who gets brutally slaughtered by the thugs serves as a fine introduction to get this one going, as it's not long afterward that they get going into the series of antics at the trip up to the campsite. Not only giving this a clear indication of the group dynamics but also sets up the later half by getting the group of adoring teens they come across that gives the group a reason for having the party, working out a classic slasher storyline in fine form. This setup in the first half is then ably paid off with a stellar series of attack scenes in the second half. From the initial ambush attacks picking off the kids at the party that manages to include some stellar kill scenes using the weapons the killer can find around him, the realization of their having trespassed onto dangerous territory grows when they begin looking for their missing friend and get hunted down one-by-one throughout the woods that adds some tension into the mix. The finale, involving the bikers getting involved only to be summarily massacred and forcing a tense, brutal and exciting beatdown confrontation that ends this on a fine note, offers this one some enjoyable elements. There are some flaws to be had here. The biggest issue is the entirely too predictable and way too formulaic of just about any killer-in-the-woods genre effort where its easy to tell what's going on for the most part. That's mostly the rather unbelievable manner in which they stumble upon the fateful section of the woods, which is somewhat made out to be a majorly-desired destination without much reason why. Everything they're told is a warning away from the location yet the way they sneak onto that particular spot of land is quite unusual as for why they would want to go there specifically out of the dozens of other locations in the area. Otherwise, this one doesn't have much else wrong.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity.