Without fail, I watch every year, friends and family, all ages, all sexes, all sexualities, and every single one of us loathed it this year. Joyless, overly political, cheap looking, overly sexualised trash.
I'll give credit to the presenters, they at least were fun and professional, but boy were they up against it, it felt like a competition born out of hate, I despised the way some of the acts were treated, shameful.
Worst of all, The UK's entry, I honestly can't believe it finished as high as 18th, diabolically terrible, not a performance I wanted younger members of my family to watch, I'm very liberal and open minded, but come on, no wonder it received no public votes, I agreed with the vox populi.
The powers that be need to think very carefully if this show is worth saving, because after this one, it feels terminal.
The best performance by a mile, Croatia, clearly the public voted on what they actually saw, the performance, not the same for the judges.