The story starts with a few brave people think about how to use the fire and explosive power to do more work. They imagine machines that run on fire/steam that will do this.
A few of them invent the steam engines but they still don't know the fundamentals that make these machines run. The first principles.
During Napoleonic wars, the French genius, Carnot, humiliated by defeat, vows to understand the reason for Britain's power, the steam engine. He comes up with a simple idea, the more the difference between the hot and cold parts of the machine the more power it has.. The jet engine works at higher temperatures than a car engine and hence can provide more power. Simple and very fundamental idea.
The next question bus how does the heat flow, ie thermodynamics. And why does it only flow in one direction? The hot cup of coffee, if let to its own always looses heat. Why doesn't it happen in reverse.
The idea, all things have a tendency to go from order to disorder. From highly concentrated sources of heat, like a hot cup, to a cold state.
This is entropy.
How do we measure entropy? Need to go to atomic levels. But we can see, measure them.
Crazy idea by, Boltzmann, get comfortable with uncertainty, don't go for exact measurements for atomic levels, go for probabilities.
Probabilities about where the atom would be and the use math to calculate entropy.
The holy grail of energy. Use the most abundant element to create energy. Hydrogen.
Make a fusion engine and we won't have to worry, fight wars etc for energy.
The next part is using information to create order and understand the world.
This is good work by the producers and the team.