Silver Clutch in my opinion doesn't remind me of the "Godfather" as its used in the tagline, but actually is more of an adult version of Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" but a lot lower of a budget. The movie has its goods and bads. I gave this an 8 out of 10 based on effort and the fact I actually enjoyed a few actors in this movie. The story is nothing new with a dragged out love story that seems to be a confused version of Edward and Bella in Twilight. The movie opens with a really cool flashback in the 1800's that fades from black and white to color. 2 men approach a women and young happens to be a vampire that's really thirsty killing off the women and boy within the first few minutes of the film. After this happens the movie goes to present time and the story moves pretty fast paced with a nice score. What helped and hurt this movie was lack of talent and poor Filmography. I truly enjoyed Cezar, who in my opinion..Stole the show..Superb acting from David Scott Diaz who is in Touchback with Kurt Russell. Brad Watts "Desmond" who has numerous short film credits and Richard Raphael "Dante" who has a nice credit list as well, also made this little flick fun to watch. What I agree with in previous reviews and most would after the movie was premiered is that the female leads were off beat and awful the entire movie and should not have been cast, including Scott Goudie who cannot act to save his life. This story wasn't original but it worked and was the most intriguing and enjoyable aspect of Silver Clutch. Id rent it and hope it gets a national DVD release.