I ask whoever may read this to please read the Larry Silverstein review titled 'Preposterous'. This writer is far more level headed in his review than I could ever hope to be.
Everyone, EVERYONE, in this movie is just plain creepy. Even the story is creepy! We are suppose to believe two drugged out street urchins suddenly clean themselves up and are so pretty - no. The first giveaway was the pure white straight teeth and the fake smudges of fake dirt. And the rich folks clothes fit them perfectly! No! And the girl who in one scene is so drugged out she going to let herself be 'used' by 4 thugs. Then she watches a family video found in the fancy house and suddenly she has transformed into a meek virginal debutante who is ready to sacrifice her life for the 'nice rich family'. No! And then the rich families son falls in love with her and just happens to find her in the movie theatre - just silly.
Even the underground drug lord was more like a comic book character. Honestly did Martin Weisz actually view the finished movie? I think not. And Richard Dreyfuss must be 'in need' to do that role as the ever-so-cool dad because he seemed ambivalent in every word he tried to speak.
Bad movie, too long.